Monday, January 24, 2011

It Was An Absolute Nightmare!

I've had wedding dreams scattered throughout my nights since the planning began back in November, but a few nights ago was a first… I had a wedding nightmare. It was absolutely awful. It felt like eternity. I have no idea how long it lasted, but to me it felt like a full length movie.

I woke up the morning of my wedding feeling wonderful, stress-free and very excited... until the girls showed up... with the wrong dresses!!! Yes, that's right, the wrong dresses! And they were hideous things. I paid extra for different things and having them tweaked certain ways, arriving by a certain date, etc. And they came wrong! Completely, utterly wrong. I got so upset and drove over to the designers place and ended up in an icy parking garage, running and slipping, all while in my wedding dress! I went into the place and raised holy heck and argued with the guy (who was an absolute idiot in the dream) and got no where, but late and messy to my wedding! I ended up realizing that I wasn't going to let their ugly dresses and my ugly mess of myself ruin the wedding, but I was not happy at all. I woke up so upset and couldn't get back to sleep for a little bit. It may seem petty, but I was so distraught. I have been working very hard to find the type of dress I want for my bridesmaids and I want to make sure they look and feel beautiful in what I choose, so maybe that stress got to me. Ugh. What a nightmare! I pray nothing even comes close to this happening for our real wedding!!!

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